Monarch Meals

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What is included in our Monarch Meals Program?

The Monarch Center for Child Development has partnered with The Oxford Center to provide Breakfast, Lunch and Snack for the kids each week, if their parents choose to have them participate. 

 Food is the fuel for learning! To help ensure that your child is receiving the proper nutrition they need, as well as to make life easier for you, The Oxford Center is offering a Monarch Meals program which provides prepared meals for your little ones! The prepared meals are healthy and kid-friendly and are all made using gluten-free ingredients; dairy-free meals are optional based on individual allergy and dietary restrictions.

The food program includes breakfast, a main meal along with fresh fruits and veggies, and a snack. The menu items cycle to introduce different textures, shapes, and tastes to help with food toleration and exploration. Our goal is to introduce your child to nutritious foods, without compromising on fun!

To sign up for or to continue the meal program, please fill out the lunch form on the Friday before or on the first day of the week your child attends. The lunch forms will be emailed weekly with the menu, or you may pick one up when you sign your child out.

It is important to consult with a doctor before making changes to your child’s diet. Our medical team is familiar with unique diets and would love to help tailor your child’s meals.

Does your child have dietary needs?

Our chef at The Oxford Center offers individualized, dietary specific lunches for kids Ingredients we commonly try to avoid:

  • Sugar  
  • Dairy  
  • Gluten  
  • Monosodium Glutamate  
  • Artificial Ingredients  
  • Toxins/Pesticides

Our dietary specific lunch program at The Oxford Center is completely customizable to best suit you and your child’s needs. Our chef is highly experienced in creating meals that are nutritious and delicious for your child. Our team would love to help take the hassle out of mealtime through our dietary specific lunch program.

Our Lunches Can Be Tailored To:

  • Sensory Foods
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Ketogenic Diet
  • GAPS Diet
  • Paleo Diet
  • Yeast-Free
  • Specific Carbohydrate Diet
  • Feingold Diet
  • And more

What We Offer


Our curriculum is designed to meet state standards for early childhood education while fostering essential developmental areas. Here are four key areas of development and the types of activities your child will experience: 


Infant Program

In our infant classroom, we prioritize each baby’s individual needs, ensuring that they feel secure and cherished throughout the day. We maintain a low teacher-to-infant ratio, allowing us to offer personalized attention and support for every child. 

Toddler Program

In our toddler classroom, we foster a play-based learning approach that encourages hands-on experiences and imaginative play. Colorful learning centers offer a variety of age-appropriate toys and activities, sparking creativity and cognitive development. 


In our preschool classroom, we embrace a play-based curriculum that combines structured activities with child-led exploration. Learning centers are filled with age-appropriate materials, books, and engaging toys, encouraging hands-on learning and creativity. 


In our Pre-K classroom, we follow a comprehensive curriculum that balances play-based learning with structured activities. Learning centers are thoughtfully arranged with stimulating materials, books, and educational games, fostering hands-on exploration and imaginative play. 

Parent Information

Our blog page covers a variety of topics including developmental stages of children, proper sleep, healthy food choices, benefits of child development, what is HiMama and more. Check it out for helpful tips and insights!