Infant Program

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Infant Classroom

Welcome to our warm and nurturing infant classroom, where the tiniest learners are embraced with love and care. Our dedicated and trained staff provide a safe and stimulating environment for infants aged six weeks to 12 months. 

In our infant classroom, we prioritize each baby’s individual needs, ensuring that they feel secure and cherished throughout the day. We maintain a lower than state required teacher-to-infant ratio, allowing us to offer personalized attention and support for every child. 

The room is thoughtfully designed with age-appropriate toys and sensory materials, encouraging exploration and sensory development. Soft, cozy spaces are available for cuddling, tummy time, and napping, ensuring the babies are comfortable and content. 

Our caring educators engage in gentle interactions, nurturing the infants’ social-emotional growth and building trustful relationships. We follow each child’s unique feeding and sleep schedules, promoting a sense of routine and stability. 

We maintain open communication with parents, providing daily updates on their child’s activities, milestones, and well-being. Our team works collaboratively with families to ensure a smooth transition from home to the classroom. 

Safety is our top priority, with stringent health and hygiene practices in place to protect the little ones. From soothing lullabies to playful interactions, our infant classroom is a loving and enriching space where every child’s first steps into the world are met with warmth and care. 

baby/infant playing with toys on stomach at the monarch center for child development

Infant Daily Schedule

In an infant classroom, flexibility is key, as each child has their own unique needs, preferences, and developmental pace. A daily schedule for infants will be tailored to cater to individual routines and preferences, ensuring that they feel secure, loved, and nurtured. 

Parents and teachers play a crucial role in collaborating and communicating to create a personalized daily schedule that best suits the infant’s needs. By sharing information about the child’s sleep patterns, feeding times, and any other important details, teachers can adapt the classroom routine accordingly. 

Communication with Parents

Regular communication between parents and teachers ensures that any changes in the infant’s routine or needs are promptly addressed.

Feeding Times

Infants’ feeding times can vary widely, especially during the first few months. Teachers will work closely with parents to understand the child’s feeding routine and ensure they are fed on demand.

Nap and Rest Periods

Infants require plenty of sleep for their growth and development. Teachers will provide comfortable and safe sleeping spaces, allowing infants to rest whenever they feel tired.

Play and Exploration

Infants learn through play and exploration. The classroom will be equipped with age-appropriate toys and materials to stimulate their senses and curiosity.

Diaper Changes

Regular diaper changes are essential for maintaining hygiene and the child’s comfort. Teachers will ensure that infants are changed as needed throughout the day.

Tummy Time and Motor Development

Encouraging tummy time helps infants develop their muscles and motor skills. Teachers will incorporate tummy time into the schedule to support their physical development.

Comfort and Cuddling

Providing a loving and nurturing environment is vital for infants. Teachers will offer comfort and cuddling as needed, promoting a sense of security and trust.

Toddler Program

  • Free Play
  • Clean-up/Diaper Changes
  • Circle Time
  • Learning Centers
  • Quiet/Rest Time
  • Gross Motor Activities

Young Preschool

  • Free Play
  • Clean-up/Bathroom
  • Learning Centers
  • Rest Time
  • Quiet Activities
  • Gross Motor Activities


  • Free Play
  • Clean-up/Bathroom
  • Learning Centers
  • Rest Time
  • Quiet Activities
  • Gross Motor Activities


infants playing on floor with teddy bear at the monarch center for child development
What age groups do you cater to at The Monarch Center?

We can care for children from 6 weeks to 6 years. Our infant room ranges from 6 weeks to 18 months, toddler’s age range is 18 months to 2.5 years, Preschool ranges from 2.5 years to 3.5 years and Pre-k ranges from 3.5 years to 5 years. Please see age pages for more details!

What are your hours of operation?

We are open Monday through Friday from 6:30am-6:30pm 

What is your teacher-to-child ratio's in each classroom?

At the Monarch Center, we believe that every child deserves individualized attention and care. That’s why we maintain a low teacher-to-child ratio, and in our infant room we maintain a lower ratio than the recommended state ratios. This allows our teachers to provide more personalized support and guidance to each child in their group or classroom. Our goal is to create a nurturing and supportive environment where children can thrive and grow.

Are meals and snacks provided?

At The Monarch Center, we believe that a healthy diet is essential for your child’s growth and development. That’s why we provide a variety of nutritious meals and snacks to keep your child energized throughout the day. Our meals are included in the cost of tuition and are made in partnership with The Oxford Center.

We understand that some children may have dietary restrictions due to allergies or other reasons. Therefore, all our meals are Gluten-Free and we offer other allergy selections like Nut-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, etc. We also provide a weekly lunch menu so that you can see what your child will be eating.

Please visit our Lunch Program page for more information on our meal program.

Do you offer part-time or drop-in care options?

We offer part-time care schedules (pending availability). We do not offer drop-in care options at this time. 

infant toy PLAY blocks